An Alfie Dream, by Bobbi Finley 39'' x 39'' (above)
All in a Dream, by Kathe Dougherty 74'' x 74'' (below)

Since Kathe and her quilt reside in Lawrence, Kansas, and Carol, my co-author has the opportunity to show this quilt when she lectures on tile quilts, I thought about making a smaller version of Kathe's quilt to show in my lectures.
On a recent visit to Back Porch Quilts in Pacific Grove, I found a wonderful selection of Kaffe Fassett stripes and shot cottons and my version of All in a Dream finally came to be. I decided on only 4 blocks. And, while it was my intention to machine applique the blocks, I guess I just prefer hand work and so, in the end, my quilt is hand appliqued.
I named my quilt, An Alfie Dream. Why? I discovered the English tenor, Alfie Boe, on the recent Les Miserables telecast and ordered one of his CDs. All the time I was designing my quilt, I was listening to the CD of Show tunes that I'd just received. When I finished I realized that I was lost in a dream of color and fabric and beautiful song, so I decided to call the quilt, An Alfie Dream. The quilt is shown at the top. I'm not sure it does Kathe's quilt justice.